Hi Friends!
It only took me nearly two years after launching my website to touch this frightening "BLOG" tab. Probably because I can't spell & have terrible grammar (that's why I married an English teacher and well a few other reasons too) so why would I want to put out writing for people to judge. I also realized that I'm very busy running my own business & being a stay at home mom of two little boys so I don't have time to sit and read blogs all day so why would anyone have time for mine? These days I LOVE to listen to audio especially while I'm cooking, doing dishes, cleaning, driving, you name it. So I decided to finally take a little survey with FB friends and apparently it's pretty split. Some people would rather read and while others just want to listen. So lightbulb moment, why don't I do a blog with both?! I decided I'm going to attempt to write on some days and add in video on others. What do you think? Which do you prefer?
Regardless today is THE day I overcome this once feared "BLOG" tab and I dive right in so in full disclosure if you can't handle spelling or grammar errors then you might want to hold out for the video days;)