Why do the same problems keep reappearing in my life?

If you stop right now and think about current problems in your life, are they new issues or things that you've dealt with before?  

I ask because something came up for me tonight that made me want to scream, cry, fill my head with negative thoughts and just freak out.  It was an issue that in one form or another I've been dealing with for YEARS.  

Luckily my "rebound rate" (see The Key to Happiness post) has improved greatly over the past couple years so I got ahold of myself and remembered a recent lesson I learned from my girl, Gabby Bernstein.  She talked about how the Universe (God, life, whatever you want to call it) gives you lessons and until you truly dig in and learn from them, they will continually reappear throughout your life.  Those lessons will come back in different forms but have the same underlying message until you fully process it.  

I took this to mean that hitting rock bottom served as processing the issue.  You know how people talk about how you have to hit rock bottom before you can rise up stronger than ever before?  Well I use to think in certain areas of my life that I hit rock bottom.  Each time I would think, “This is it.  It sucks but it's awesome because I'm going to turn this around and be unstoppable.”  This sounds great the first couple times you tell yourself it but let me tell you the 100th time gets a bit old.    

Tonight's "bottom" made me think that maybe we all have different sensitivities to hitting bottom.  I think some people can have the slightest bump and instantly make the decision to learn, grow and move on while others (like myself) need repeated exposure.  

If you're like me and are not one of those quick adapters, think on the bright side, we are tough.  We think that we can power through challenges and just be done with it.  While good at times, we need to allow ourselves to stop and see what’s really going on. Why is this situation happening?  What is it that needs to be hashed out to be able to move on?  

Not sure where to start? Therapy, meditation, EFT Tapping, journaling, are a few places to explore.  Find something that you can connect with and ultimately get you to the root cause behind these reoccurring scenarios.  After all who wants to be dealing with the same problems for the rest of their life?  I for sure don't so on that note, its time for a little soul searching and personal development.

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*I'd love to know...are you someone who adapts quickly to problems you are faced with or do you have the same reoccurring issues trouble you?

**Curious about meditation? Check out my glimpse into meditation group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/439110243100699/